For all those whose are working in e-gold HYIP programs below is the useful information you need to know about the various fees involved in e-gold transactions
There are two fees in E-Gold: 1.
Agio Fee: Every year E-Gold will deduct
1% from your current account credit. It is annual fee.
Daily transaction fee: Only the recipient will be charged for the transaction. And the fees are various depend to how much you receive. I will give a simply example to explain how it charge you.
The current price of E-Gold is
$16.68 per gram.
a.)if you receive less than
$1.668 you will be charged
5% of the amount you receive plus
$0.003. For example if you received $1, you have to pay 5% from $1 which is $0.05 and another $0.003.
So to receive $1 you will be deducted $0.053.b.)if you receive more than
$1.668 and less than
$8.34, you will be charged
1.25% from the amount you receive plus
$0.06. For example you received $5, you have to pay 1.25% from $5 which is $0.06 and another $0.06.
So to receive $5 you will have to pay $0.12 c.)if you receive between
$8.34 and
$16.68, you will be charged
So no matter you receive $9 or $15, you still will be charged at constant fee of $0.168. d.)if you receive between
$16.68 and
$83.4 , you will be charged
1% from the received amount.
So to receive a $50 E-Gold you have to pay $0.5. e.)if you receive more than
$83.4 you will be charged at constant fee of
So to receive $100 or $1000 you will need to pay only $0.834. So the conclusion is: It is better to receive a
bigger amount of E-Gold because the fee is only